Want To Play Real Blues Songs, But Don't Know Where To Start?

Hi, I’m Colin Daniel – let me ask you a question: Do you want to learn to play electric blues guitar? And by play, I mean really play.
Let me explain…
I talked to a man recently who had dreamed of playing guitar for a long time. Finally, he was in a position in his life to be able to start doing something about it. By the time I spoke with him, he’d already taken a few different guitar courses, but unfortunately, he was more discouraged than ever about accomplishing his dream.
He reported to me that he’d learned a few chords, and some single-note style melodies… things like Ode to Joy, Jingle Bells, When The Saints Go Marching In, etc, on just the top few strings.
He wasn’t exactly happy with being told he had to learn nursery rhymes, but hoping it was only a stepping stone, he kept at it.
Ultimately though, he realized this direction was simply not getting him closer to where he truly wanted to be – playing the blues like Stevie Ray Vaughan and Eric Clapton.
It seemed an impossible leap to get from Ode to Joy, to Pride and Joy!
He was confused about many of the basic things he saw other guitar players doing – things like knowing which chord to use where, what ‘power chords’ were, how to wrap his fingers (and brain!) around bar chords – let alone some of the strumming and rhythm styles that were so common in the blues, yet so different from what he was learning!
Perhaps more to the point, how was he ever going to “rock out” and play awesome riffs and solos like the guitar greats he looked up to?
The Copy Cat Problem
Unfortunately, his problems didn’t end there. There was this one other thing… Every time he learned a new thing on the guitar, it was by copying what someone else did. Maybe it was from a video, YouTube, or a friend. Turns out he could usually make it sound okay, with a little effort, but as soon as that video was turned off, or the friend left, he found he had absolutely no idea what to do with that new bit of information he’d learned.
It was just one more piece of information that wasn’t tied to anything else, and so it got dumped into his growing bin of “maybe that will be useful one day” things.
But the more of these things he gathered, the more frustrated he got, because none of it seemed to tie together.
How was he ever going to get to the place where he could confidently and boldly strum out a tune like Texas Flood, maybe even with a few riffs thrown in for good measure?
How would he ever take the ultimate step… and play a confidently improvised guitar solo in the same song?
The Electric Blues Guitar Roadmap
My friend, if you can relate to the story I’ve been sharing with you, then I have an important message for you: there IS hope – and you WILL be playing those sweet blues tunes you’re craving if you follow my Electric Blues Guitar Roadmap.
Some time ago I created a course called the Definitive Beginner’s Guide To Acoustic Guitar. It was very well received, but over time, I realized some folks really specifically wanted to play electric blues. And I realized that I could create a shortcut for them, one that would take them from ‘zero to hero’ in far less time than pretty much every other approach I’d seen out there.
Thus, Electric Blues For Beginners came about, and it is truly designed to be a roadmap to not only learning to play guitar, but specifically, learning to play the blues on electric guitar.

When a beginner starts playing the guitar, there are a few things that are very important to start with… and just as importantly, there are things that if you start them without laying a foundation first, you will have a very hard time and become discouraged due to the lack of that same foundation.
That means the order of the things you learn is very important.
In Electric Blues For Beginners, we will start with the easiest, most basic skills first, then layer by layer build your skills in a logical way so that the next step is always a small and easy one from where you’re at, but you’re always moving forward quickly, in a straight line exactly in the direction you want to travel.
Best of all, even the easiest, most basic things we learn start off with the songs and styles you want to play: crunchy electric blues.
Playin' The Blues Your Heart Aches For
Earlier I mentioned some folks get stuck learning to play nursery rhymes while they’re learning guitar… but not you! Not if you follow my roadmap, because we’ll be learning songs like the following:
The entire course is geared towards getting you playing the blues as quickly as possible.
Guitar Skills For A Strong Foundation
I’ve broken all those songs down piece by piece, so that each one becomes a multi-layered skill-building exercise for you. We’ll get you playing right off the bat with a sweet riff that anyone can learn quickly – even if you have old, stiff, protesting fingers! (Due to the number of students I hear from who have trouble with their fingers, I deliberately included many different options in the course for folks who are struggling in this area).
From there, we’ll cover a many essential topics (not in this order) as we begin learning the songs:
By the time you’ve completed this course, you will no longer be a beginner. You’ll be ready for the next stage in your guitar journey, and best of all, you’ll have the tools and foundation established to KNOW that you’ll be able to accomplish your guitar goals.
Know A Little Bit Well...
Not A Lot, Poorly
Some time back a new student came to me who had fast fingers and knew a lot of famous licks. But he had one major problem – he couldn’t relate those licks to a scale, and therefore, couldn’t access them when it came time to solo. Despite knowing cool riffs, he didn’t have much chord knowledge.
You know what we did?
We went right back to the basics, and started building that foundation… filling all the space in between the tidbits he knew with a foundation that had no cracks.
You know what happened? He started seeing the connections between the things that he knew, began making great progress, and soon he was playing the kind of things he truly wanted to play, without any hindrances.
It’s far better to know a little bit really well, than it is to know a lot of things poorly. If you don’t know how one thing connects to another on your guitar, then it’s time to find out, because that gap is holding you back!
This is especially true of the blues, where a solid mastery of the basics will take you a long way, and give you access to hundreds of great songs.
Is This Course For Me?
If you see yourself in one or more items on this list, then Electric Blues For Beginners was created with you in mind:
Am I Too Advanced For A Beginner Course?
Electric Blues For Beginners is designed for straight-up beginners to the guitar. If you’re looking for a slow-paced, steady and methodical way to learn electric blues guitar, I know of no better way. That said, there’s a range of people that fall into the beginner category – all the way from never touched a guitar, right up to the point just before intermediate, where you’ve already started experimenting a little bit with solos, your chords are well-developed and your rhythm is solid.
If you’re comfortable with your open chords in several different keys, and you can play several songs through without stumbling over the rhythm, and you’re generally feeling more comfortable around the guitar, then my recommendation would be to move on to Ultimate Blues Stage 1 instead.
At the end of the day, my goal is to help you learn to play the blues as well as possible… not to sell you a course you don’t need. All I ask is that you be honest with yourself – if you’re ready to move on, awesome! And if you know in your heart that you really need the from-the-bottom-up approach to lay that foundation, then you’re already in the right place – just keep reading!
Do I Need To Read Music?
Let me share a little secret with you, gained from my perspective teaching guitar for more than 45 years:
The ability to read music is not the same as the ability to play guitar!
Sure, if you can read music that can be useful in your guitar journey, but the plain fact of the matter is I’ve taught thousands of guitar players one-on-one and the majority never chose to learn to read music. Many are now playing at a high level, too.
In Electric Blues For Beginners you won’t have to read music. We’ll be using tab instead, which is far more guitar-friendly, and easier to learn than standard notation. However, if you don’t want to read the tab either, absolutely everything is demonstrated on video, so you can allow your eyes and ears to teach you the same things, and you’ll do just as well!
What's Inside?
Electric Blues For Beginners is a video-based course that also comes with a comprehensive course book. The video files are available for download in the member’s area, or alternatively you can use the online course format, and go through section by section, tracking your progress as you go.
100% Risk-Free Satisfaction Guarantee
If you’re hesitant about purchasing online, that’s okay – I understand. In fact, that’s why I stand behind all my guitar lessons with a 100% Risk-Free “No Weasel Clauses” Satisfaction Guarantee.
My guarantee states that if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with the guitar lesson, I’ll give you a complete refund within 60 days of purchase, with no hassles.
This completely eliminates the risk on your part – you’ve got nothing to lose, and everything to gain by trying Electric Blues For Beginners!

45+ Years of Guitar Teaching Experience

So who is this Colin Daniel guy? Well, without tooting my own horn, I wanted to assure you that you’re in capable hands. I’ve been a professional musician and teacher for over 45 years… I’ve played hundreds of gigs, led dozens of bands, written dozens of original songs, and taught over 5000 guitar players, many of whom have gone on to become professionals in their own right. Recently I’ve been able to reach even more students via the internet, and I’d love to help you learn guitar too!
Your Path To Learning Electric Blues
In this 9 hour video course, Electric Blues for Beginners, you can expect:
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100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Are you ready to become a Riff Ninja like me, and take your guitar playing to levels that you never before dreamed possible?
Keep on Rockin’

a.k.a. the Riff Ninja
PS: The Electric Blues For Beginners course will teach you how to play the electric guitar, from the ground up, the right way. This course is ideal for the pure beginner, as well as for frustrated players who have put down their guitar, for whatever reason.
PS. If for any reason you’re not satisfied, you’re protected by my 100% Risk-Free Satisfaction Guarantee for a full 60 days.