Picking Archives - Riff Ninja Academy

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Picking Patterns To Get You Started (Arpeggio Picking 1)

There are many different ways of playing the strings on the guitar – with fingers/ picks/ nails/ finger picks. Here we will be looking at patterns (arpeggio patterns from basic chords) that can be played with any combination, but we’ll start with a ‘hybrid-picking’ style, using a pick for the bass note and fingers for the higher notes of the chord.

The patterns covered in this lesson are:

6 5 4 3 2 1
R 3 2 1
R 1 2 3
R 3 2 1 2 3
R 4 3 2 3 4
R 3 2 3 1 3 2 3

R indicates the Root note of the chord you’re playing, and the numbers following indicate the string number to pick. Once you’re comfortable with the patterns in this lesson, you might want to checkout the Picking Patterns 2 lesson.

Turning Your Blues Riffs Into Chickin’ Pickin’

If you have already got a few blues riffs together, it will be easy to convert them into a chickin’ pickin’ style – all it takes is a little theory and knowing where your key notes are located on the fretboard.

Essential Techniques: Hybrid Picking on Electric Guitar

There are many different ways of picking, and no way is right or wrong, per se. It all depends on what effect you’re trying to accomplish, and which way suits your style and aptitude best.

That said, this lesson will cover hybrid picking more specifically, which is probably one of the more versatile approaches as it still lets you use your pick for speed, and your fingers for extra strings.