Ultimate Blues Scales Testimonials - Riff Ninja Academy

Ultimate Blues Scales


Hi Colin. I just want to say how much I’m enjoying playing and learning through these courses, I can really feel and hear myself progressing. I was kind of put off by the board lessons at first and I didn’t think about the info I would have been missing out on but obviously I feel stupid now! The board lessons have helped a lot with my understanding of the guitar and I just want to say thank you to Colin and everyone at the RiffNinja team who make this possible and I will definitely be buying more lessons from you guys in the near future. ????


A Big Eye Opener

I am 68 years old. I used to play up till the age of 20 with a group playing rhythm guitar. The lead guitar player was really good, and all I needed was a few chords. At 20 I put down the guitar and never touched another guitar till I was 60. I was never a good player, but could play a not-bad rhythm but never understood the chords. I bought 2 or 3 other courses and took some private ½ hour lessons, but they didn't help me understand things like major and minor chords or their relative use with each other. Ultimate Blues 1 and 2 were a big eye opener as to why certain chords fit where they do. I have never been able to play a lead, but last night after struggling for a while, I was able to play the lead parts for "Knockin", which for me was a big accomplishment. I have trouble just playing the pentatonic and diatonic notes in order, I do fine until I speed up then I have to go back to ¼ notes. I really appreciate this course and the videos that you've made to go along with the course notes. The course is (while not easy to understand for an ol' guy) breaks the theory down into understandable segments and explains the how and why. Thanks Colin.

Garry Wieler

Ultimate Blues 1, 2 & 4. I haven't purchased Ultimate Blues 3 yet, but plan to when I build up the funds.

Garry Wieler

David Welch

The Ultimate Blues course! What can I say... I am only part way through and I understand musical theory to a small degree.

This course is truly informative. Colin knows what he is talking about and just as importantly he understands what it's like to be a student so he speaks "our" language.

Buy this course with confidence and without doubt you will become a more accomplished and confident guitar player.

Thanks so very much Colin.

David Welch

Sam Hamilton

Hi Colin: I am really having a lot of enjoyment with your courses: Ultimate Blues, Beginner Blues Riffs, Guitar Improvising Secrets. At 75 I am slower as you mentioned but Oh, man, the Scales, the climbs and passing notes have opened up a whole new world for me. I am working hard around two hours minimum per day and really enjoying it. Thank you so much for all you do. Please say HI to Riley!

Sam Hamilton

Jack Kindig

I am 74 yrs old and have 2 masters degrees in music and have played professionally most of my life on drums. I have been working on guitar off and on for the last 3 or 4 yrs. I haven't had the blues scales course long enough to evaluate my progress. However, after working on the pentatonic scales and chromatics, I notice I am more adept at adding in 2 or 3 note fills at the end of phrases. I attend an East Coast gathering of 89 guitar players every April and have a strong desire to play more than just chords. The Blues scales course is guiding me towards that goal.

Jack Kindig

David Martinez

Bag of Tricks & the Ultimate Blues Stage 2 Scales lesson has helped me a lot to improve my guitar skills.

I was a member of church band but I stopped. A few months ago I started playing again at our church.

I have basic knowledge of scales but it's not that good yet. I wanted to improve it. When I came across your video online I am impressed the way you play and teach. Since then I always watch your videos and learn from it.

Now I play much better and my fingers are much faster. Thanks from David Martinez

David Martinez , Jewelry Store Manager

Michael Lavigne

I have played guitar since college (I was 20). I bought an old harmony acoustic guitar and started learning chords. I never really knew much about music theory or anything, just what sounded good and was easiest to play. The guitar has both frustrated me and brought much satisfaction. Four years ago I made a commitment to learn how to play a guitar correctly and finally understand music the way I feel is what I was born to do.

I was 1 year into the learning process and again I felt frustrated then I got sick had to stop working. It took me a three years to heal. Three months ago I bought an Epiphone SG combo pack. I now had the time to develop my guitar skills. One month into to it I ordered Jonathan's 1 4 5 course. It happened to be the class that turned the bulb on. I practiced for a month and ordered your course. I am no longer frustrated and I have finished the course today.

I must say that Jonathan turned the bulb on and your course flipped the switch - after 34 years I understand. I have morning and evening practice. I bought an Epiphone g-400 for my three month anniversary and tuned it down a tone super flat. I now understand what that means. Thanks guys you're great. The color of the guitar is worn cherry just like yours soo cool.


Michael Lavigne

Darren Davey

Colin's courses give you the mechanics to relate scale theory to chord progressions, if you want to know how music works and how to improve your writing and playing. And to better understand other theory put out there, well give Colin a go, he has helped me.

Darren Davey

Bill Cody

Hi Colin, I purchased your Scales course first. I worked my way through it twice. It is fabulous. I've had so many sudden moments of sudden realization about scales and how they work. Still working at the scales program and maybe I've approached things out of order, but I was so excited about how much I learned that I now have the Chords lesson as well. I'm working slowly and patiently on it.

My knowledge and understanding is beginning to take lead over my ability. At times I feel overwhelmed but your video lessons are reassuring that patience and practice will bring positive results. I really believe that any chord or scale I want to learn will become as familiar to me as any open major chord I'm entirely comfortable with.

Colin you are a fantastic teacher. Your knowledge is superior, your methods and materials are clear and comprehensive. Throughout the rest of my guitar journey I will be ordering all of your lessons.

Bill Cody

Paul O'Blenes

Hi Colin,

You have shot your self in the the foot this time 😉

This course is so complete, I will never have to buy another. There is so much information, theory and knowledge in it, that your teachings can be adapted to any other style of music.

I knew how to play, yet only did what I was shown. I didn't know why. Now I can break down any song or even write one. Scales?? What was that??....before.

Colin, you are the best teacher I ever had.

I can't wait for Stages 3 & 4

Paul O'Blenes

Chris M.

I only started playing a few years ago at 46 and had wasted so much time trying to find the right online course and going off on U tube tangents before I stumbled across Riff Ninja.

The Ultimate Blues course has been the single biggest transformation in my journey to becoming a better guitar player.

Colin's easy teaching style and commitment to making sure his online students "get it" is perfect for me. I thought scales were way beyond me, but the way Colin teaches it they're not at all hard to understand.

I am hanging out for parts 3 and 4 of the blues course now and will be the first to purchase as soon as they are available.

Colin disproves a lot of the wrong messages I had been getting from the internet, and I simply refuse to watch any other online teacher after watching his course as I don't want to waste any more time with wrong or confusing mixed messages.

This blues course is simply the best decision you can possibly invest in. You won't regret it.

Thanks Colin for putting such effort into this with both the quality of the production and the carefully constructed content.

Chris M.

Michael Lavigne

Hey guys, it's been a while since I've written you. It's been almost two years since I bought my first course from you, and I've bought three more since. I have learned from all of them. My favorite and the one I still use is the Ultimate Blues Scales course.

The first thing I realized in my many years of playing is that I couldn't speak the language. The second thing is that being in shape to play is very important.

Both of those things frustrated me for many years. My favorite analogy is if you go to run a marathon in a foreign country and are out of shape and don't know the language,you will be lost. Most of my time was spent learning scales, for about a year and a half. My strumming left a lot to be desired so I ordered the strumming course, which got that fixed.

Now I practice or do work in music everyday. By work I mean do some book work on scales and look up tab to practice new songs. I don't try to be an instant Eddie Van Halen but I try to improve a little every day. That's how he did it. Today is the first time I didn't pick up the guitar or do anything with my music. That was on purpose, as I don't want to burn out either. My effects equipment and recording equipment will arrive this week. My plans for this year are putting a band together and recording. My thanks goes to all of you - keep up the good work.


Michael Lavigne

John Pechacek

Thanks Colin. Your teaching method is helping me expand and understand underlying principles of guitar and music.

It's more fun when you see a glimpse of how things fit together and techniques can be applied in more than one way.

John Pechacek

Jonathon, almost missed your email, Sorry!! What I’m liking best is the part dealing with the diatonic scales, the overlap and the combining. I took your course a couple of years ago but just couldn’t get the diatonic scales to stick in my head. I thought repetition might help, so I ordered Colin’s course. I think I’ve finally nailed it.

I’m an old man now so repetition is key. I bought my first guitar in 1954 when I was 13, a Gretsch solid body, black. Cost me $350. Still my favorite. I always wanted to be a good guitar player but life kept interfering. Maybe, now’s the time. If so, I can thank you and Colin for my success.

Ron Barrick

Rene Jaimes

I have been playing for about 5 years on and off. I play everyday but I did not know what I was playing and why.

I was frustrated and almost gave up my passion which is playing the guitar, but thanks to watching your Riff Ninja video and the testimonial that you gave, it really made me buy the materials and give it a shot.

Within a full week the guitar started to make sense. Now I can figure out songs a lot faster and I know what key they are in and also the mode. My soloing is better but if I want to learn a riff it's very simple now for me to find out what scale to use.

I recommend Colin's lessons because they work 100%.

Thanks Riff Ninja - my journey just began.

Rene Jaimes

Rene Jaimes

Kevin O'Rourke

I purchased the Ultimate Blues Courses a few weeks ago. It was as if a locked-away secret was revealed to me. I am working on Stage 2 and I'm already using backing tracks to create my own solos.

Granted, my solos are more like scales, but my playing is so much better only two weeks in.

I think Colin's approach to helping students learn is the best I have come across. The "Ultimate Blues Course" is certainly one of the best investments in the advancement toward becoming a better guitar player that I have ever made.

Thanks Colin.

Kevin O'Rourke

Don Tittle

I have always struggled with the scales & have always wanted to play lead & solos. I have some of your lessons now & can definitely see a difference. I am definitely having more fun doing it now. I was pretty discouraged before for quite awhile. I am doing much better now thanks to your great lessons.

Don Tittle

I am impressed!

Hi Colin, I am really enjoying the Blues course. I am on the Ultimate Blues Stage 4, but have skipped Ultimate Blues Stage 3 which I think might help with my timing. I am impressed that I have gotten a better understanding of my guitar with your courses that I have purchased, and my understanding of chord patterns and relationships to other chords was made easy by your instruction.

As an old duffer the fingers don’t move so quick, but I am putting in about 2 hours a day.

Garry Wieler

Just Spectacular!

The Ultimate Blues course doesn't just put the Blues together, but the whole fretboard and great theory together... all while focusing on Blues application. Just spectacular like all of Colin's lessons! I always learn something new and useful. PICK UP the ULTIMATE BLUES COURSE!!

Franklin Edwards

Rick Benallack

I have learned more than I can believe doing your courses.There is a ton of work to get through and the mistake I have made is not persevering with the course layout when I joined up. I have bought a few of your other courses and started hopping around, don't get me wrong I have learned so much.

I played along with the jam tracks on improvising lesson for the first time this week and I was surprised at my ability to play along this has only being achievable by watching your lessons and practice. The hardest part is doing it and trying to stick it out. I am improving every day and love the ultimate blues course. Thanks guys

Rick Benallack

Peter Dale

Hello Colin,

Although I have done several of your courses; I haven't started on the Blues Rhythms & Riffs one yet. I am looking forward to getting stuck into it shortly.

Now retired, I spent a lot of time in 2016 on several of your other courses. I particularly enjoyed and benefited from the theory that you teach.

Thank you so much. I have now got to the stage where my playing is good enough to be really enjoyable - but I still have so much to learn.


Peter Dale

East Sussex, UK.

PS here’s a pic of me with my other (face-to-face) tutor...

Peter Dale , Retired


Hey boyz and girlz,
The first two parts of this Ultimate Blues Chords Course were okay, you can rewind and replay any bit so you will get to let all of it sink in good. Then the harvesting will begin, but go on forever!
Keep on playing, Oscar


Perry Aabo

I am a long time music guy, Disc Jockey and Live band member. I am NOT a guitar guy, but have always wanted to play (I play other instruments). When I found this course, after trying to forge through many others, I was very pleased! It is accurate, offers good and easily understood principles and make it easy to improve playing skills quickly. The material included in the course is relevant, and very helpful.

Thank you!

Perry Aabo


I'd got to that stage where I could play the open chords okay, had a bit of rhythm and had been mucking around with the pentatonic minor scale and getting better on barre chords. But the truth is I'd been all over the place on U tube looking for a bit of theory and bamboozled by so many scale courses. I really needed to focus on one thing so I checked out all the big internet teachers sites and free u tubes before honing in on Riff Ninja. To be honest the name had put me off a little but when I read about their scales course it kind of rang a bell with me.

Having bought the scales course I can tell you I am absolutely thrilled with it. Colin's teaching style is relaxed, gentle and very clear and thorough. He doesn't assume anything about you but just allows you to focus on the core scales as the building blocks for wherever else you may go.

These core scales I have been pleased to discover will be enough for me to go as far as I want with the guitar.

I've never written a recommendation before but compelled to now. Professional site, service and a huge discovery for me is Colin Daniel who for me is the best internet teacher I have seen.

Great work, thanks and kudos to the Riff Ninja team. Have bought the strumming course now and no doubt the blues riffs shortly!


W. C. Miller

Your courses have certainly helped me. I have not finished all of what I have bought from you as I go rather slowly and I play a lot of other stuff besides. Also, for your information, I don't play electric guitar anymore. I play a classic guitar using finger picking rather than a pick. A lot of what you teach still sounds pretty good that way. I am an old guy (almost 79) and I love playing. Sometimes I can actually impress my grandchildren who also play.

I have learned from your teaching of different scales and theory. I like the sound of your riffs a lot.

W. C. Miller , retired pilot

I have taken steps to becoming a more advanced guitar player.

I feel like I have taken steps to becoming a more advanced guitar player. Really like the way Colin teaches. Have learned techniques that I can use whenever I play the guitar. Thanks for such a great program.

Randy Gantt