Rhythms & Riffs of Classic Electric Blues Testimonials - Riff Ninja Academy

Rhythms & Riffs of Classic Electric Blues Testimonials


Very patient detail explanations. Takes you through lessons step by step.


Ian Oates

You know when I first opened the Blues R&R course, after the first lesson I thought yep okay, but tell me something new. However, having progressed through the rest I quickly realized how much I did not know!

In short, a great course for anyone who thinks they know it or even those who do know it and want to refresh their memory adding more spice to their playing. There are a lot of useful tips and different angles to approach and improve anyone's guitar playing.

Well done sir, good job.

Ian Oates , Retired Production Supt

Heli De Grauwe

Hello Colin
Allereerst de beste wensen voor 2017 aan gans het team.
Colin toen ik 16 jaar was heb ik mijn eerste gitaar aangekocht,ik ben nu 71 jaar en speel gitaar met het grootste plezier dankzij Uw video's.
Mijn spel (rhythm)is 1000% verbeterd .
Ps Mijn foto stuur ik nog wel eens op,

Groeten, Heli

(Google Translated):

Hello Colin,

First of all, best wishes for 2017 to all the team.
Colin when I was 16 I bought my first guitar. Now I'm 71 years old and playing guitar with the
greatest pleasure thanks to your videos. My game (rhythm) has improved 1000%.
Ps My photos I send sometimes up

Regards, Heli

Heli De Grauwe , op rust

You're A+ in my book.

I loved the notation that you've provided with the strumming. I'm still way behind in most areas. I bought your lesson to gain insightful information. It's very useful to me at this point in my efforts. I really need to work on timing and rhythm... You're A+ in my book.

Ron Rees

Peter Dale

Hello Colin,

Although I have done several of your courses; I haven't started on the Blues Rhythms & Riffs one yet. I am looking forward to getting stuck into it shortly.

Now retired, I spent a lot of time in 2016 on several of your other courses. I particularly enjoyed and benefited from the theory that you teach.

Thank you so much. I have now got to the stage where my playing is good enough to be really enjoyable - but I still have so much to learn.


Peter Dale

East Sussex, UK.

PS here’s a pic of me with my other (face-to-face) tutor...

Peter Dale , Retired

Peder Munch Hansen

I am very happy that I bought this study. Compared with other studies one of the good thing is the written materials - I am 69 years old - and started 1.5 year ago after a life with drums, so I do not have 20 years to progress - therefore I am very happy with these exercises. Blues never die!!

Peder Munch Hansen , Journalist

Julia Schaefer

I love the way Colin explains, shows, and then you can play along with him. Also I love the practice tracks he has! I ordered the DVDs as I play guitar alone and used to play this type of call & answer rhythm & lead with my dad who was an awesome guitar player. Sadly he passed away 12-23-16 and I miss him and playing together. This course makes me feel good and able to pick up guitar after a year of not playing as it was too painful without my dad.

Thanks Colin, I'm just starting DVD 2 today and love course so far!!!

Julia Schaefer , Investigator