The Beginner's Quick Start Guide To
The No-Nonsense Approach To Get You Playing Songs FAST
Are you looking for the quickest way to get started playing acoustic guitar? If so, read on – you’re in the right place.

Hi, I’m Colin Daniel, and I’ve taught over 5,000 people how to play guitar, one-on-one, over the course of my career. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from dealing with all those guitar players, it is that the quickest way to get someone started is by getting them playing songs. Real songs that were originally intended for guitar players, not those nursery-rhyme style songs, but actual songs you might hear on the radio.
In order to learn how to play songs, every guitar player first needs to learn a few chords.
In the Beginner’s Quick Start Guide To Acoustic Guitar, we’ll cover the most important chords that you need in order to get started on the guitar. As a beginner, it’s easy to get lost in a rabbit hole learning tons of new chords, but if you’re not able to apply those effectively in songs, what’s the point? I’ll save you time by showing exactly which chords will let you play the most songs, because it is better (to start with) to learn a few chords really well than it is to learn a lot of chords poorly.
Note: If you’re more interested in electric guitar, you’ll want to go here instead.
Essential Techniques For A Strong Start
One of the first things that beginner guitar players come up against is the challenge of changing chords fast enough to keep up with the song. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve that can help you make smooth and efficient chord changes, and I’ll teach you each one in detail.
The next challenge is strumming. If you can strum on the beat and keep time properly, you’re off to a great start as a guitar player. Part of the key to this is learning how to understand and count rhythms, and how to apply that count to your strumming so that it sounds like a song, and not like a washing machine attached to a guitar.
There are many different ways to play the guitar, and strumming isn’t always the most appropriate. Some songs sound better when you pick through the chords, instead of strumming all the strings at the same time. In the Quick Start Guide, we’ll cover the basics of picking, arpeggio style.
Speaking of arpeggios, throughout the course we’ll be learning some basic music vocabulary that will make your guitar journey a whole easier. I’ve often had guitar players who have played for years what certain musical terms meant, and when I helped them understand, you could see the light bulb come on, as all those past conversations over the years suddenly made sense. If you learn the important terms (don’t worry – there aren’t too many) right at the start, and in a practical way that you can immediately apply, you’ll be able to communicate with other musicians with ease!
Is This Course At My Level?
I've Never Touched A Guitar Before...
If you’ve never touched a guitar before in your life, and you want to learn how to play, then YES this course is for you! In fact, if you’ve already got some experience playing the guitar, then you would probably be better off with one of my other guitar courses, because this particular lesson really is designed for people who are just starting out on their guitar journey. We’ll take things one step at a time, and everything is laid out in practical, easy-to-implement steps that help you build your skills layer upon layer.
Learn Guitar By Learning Songs
If you were to take one-on-one guitar lessons from me, you’d find we jam out a lot of songs together. Why? Because that’s what music is all about! No one learns the guitar to play notes – they learn to play songs, and to make music. As such, I learned long ago that people learn quickest when they’re making music, and playing songs they like.
Everything you learn in this course will build on itself. Right after I teach you your first few chords, we’ll begin applying those to a song. We’ll start with a super simple strum pattern that you’ll be sure to grasp quickly. At the beginning, you won’t be able to play the songs properly right off the bat, but I will show you very simple ways of getting started, and then bit by bit we will add more chords, and then more complicated strums, until you’re finally able to master the song. Along the way, you’ll be truly learning what goes into each additional skill that I teach you.
Is This The Only Guitar Course I'll Ever Need?
In a word, no. The Beginner’s Quick Start Guide to Acoustic Guitar is exactly that – a jump start to get you on your feet playing songs in record fast time, but at the end of the day, it’s only an hour of instruction, and to truly learn guitar it does take much longer than that.
If you already know you really want to learn how to play guitar, then I recommend checking out my more complete beginner course, the Definitive Beginner’s Guide To Guitar. That course will bring you all the way through the beginner stage, and by the time you’re through, you’ll be ready to start adding more intermediate-level guitar skills.
But if you’re not quite sure how playing guitar is going to work out for you, or whether you’re going to like it or not, or perhaps if you’re just on a really tight budget, then this Quick Start Guide is a great place to start.
100% Risk-Free Satisfaction Guarantee
If you’re hesitant about purchasing online, that’s okay – I understand. In fact, that’s why I stand behind all my guitar lessons with a 100% Risk-Free “No Weasel Clauses” Satisfaction Guarantee.
My guarantee states that if for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with the guitar lesson, I’ll give you a complete refund within 60 days of purchase, with no hassles.
This completely eliminates the risk on your part – you’ve got nothing to lose, and everything to gain by trying The Beginner’s Quick Start Guide To Acoustic Guitar!

45+ Years of Guitar Teaching Experience,
At Your Service

So who is this Colin Daniel guy? Well, without tooting my own horn, I wanted to assure you that you’re in capable hands. I’ve been a professional musician and teacher for over 45 years… I’ve played hundreds of gigs, led dozens of bands, written dozens of original songs, and taught over 5000 guitar players, many of whom have gone on to become professionals in their own right. Recently I’ve been able to reach even more students via the internet, and I’d love to help you learn guitar too!
Are You Ready To Start MAKING MUSIC?
The Beginner’s Quick Start Guide To Acoustic Guitar is a one-hour quick start to making music and playing actual songs on the acoustic guitar. If you're looking for a way to start getting some traction, this is a perfect first step along your guitar journey.
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Are you ready to start your path to becoming a great guitar player? Join me and we’ll make it happen!
To Your Musical Success,

a.k.a. the Riff Ninja
PS. If for any reason you’re not satisfied, you’re protected by my 100% Risk-Free Satisfaction Guarantee for a full 60 days.
PS. Both the DVD and the Download Only version include the same lesson material: the main video lesson. The DVD version includes download access, with the additional convenience of having everything on DVD as well.