Rhythms & Riffs of Early Rock & Roll
I Love It!
I received all the material and was very excited! Started on the never been to Spain! Love it and have been working on it. It’s going good. I have never done finger picking and always wanted to learn. It has been really good. Very pleased so far. Thanks. Ross
Nev Sky
Just a note to say I'm really enjoying my new download course Riffs and Rhythms of early rock and roll it's good fun. Many thanks.
Hello Colin: I have been very busy moving to Las Vegas (UNLV). Currently I am practicing Rhythm & Riffs along side of Ultimate Blues courses. The reason I am doing this at this time is that the first lessons in each course is that they both cover TIMING. I am working hard on your timing lessons, as they are all important. I play along with you and apply your all of your techniques.
Your lessons are easy to follow and are clearly explained. And thanks to your teaching, I have seen marked improvement.
Continue doing what you are doing and I will follow. As I go along, I will keep you updated on my progress.
Thanks. Harold
Dave Wentley
I enjoy the lesson very much. I'm an acoustic guitar player working on improving my improv ability. It is a fun way to practice.
Loved the style of teaching and found explanations very clear
Overview - very positive. Loved the style of teaching and found explanations very clear ... course book was ultra helpful here.
I hope the last thing that I am is arrogant (I know my weaknesses as a guitar player all too well), but I probably pitched in at a slightly low level (this my first course ... totally self taught previously with a little help from Bert Weedon's book). I've been playing in bands since I was 15 (with big gaps for parenting and work) and was born in 1951, so that's a long time.
I know 12 bar inside out and, in the current band I play with play Brown Eyed Girl and various Chuck B pretty well, though not No Particular Place to Go in particular!... BUT I did learn info re how notes harmonize (I play them, but I've never been overly sure why) and the way the course was laid out got me practising hard and diligently (I can be very lazy!).
The best compliment that I can pay is that I'd like to pursue other courses from this source. My major weakness is improvising in a lead situation. I love to play melodies, and quite enjoy a bit of Shadows and the like... but I'm learning the melody / tune and playing it the same every time. I'm unsure what I need to do to crack the improvisation 'bit', but would appreciate advice as to the course you think might best suit. Appreciate the time you put into creating this 'stuff' and the fact that you sought feedback from me. Thanks.
Improving immensely
Hi Colin,
I haven't yet started with the Blues Chords course... first I gotta finish the Early Rock'n'Roll course.
I'm loving it... but it takes me ages to get those riffs up to your speed... especially with "Let Me Love You Baby'... I'm practicing hours every day; slowly getting there... and improving immensely.
I have been playing only about a year and a half and it's a late start for me; 65 years old. I love your teaching.
I'm really looking forward to beginning the Blues course...
A lot of things are falling into place
I didn't start playing (again) until I was 50. I took some lessons, but my teacher had to stop. So I prowled around online. I could learn chords and I could learn scales. I could learn a specific tab. However, what I needed was to learn how the music fit together.
I started with Rhythms and Riffs of Blues and then went to Ultimate Blues Stage 1. I am almost through that. A lot of things that didn't make sense before are falling into place.
Plus, I now have a much better understanding of how things are actually played, as opposed to just seeing chord names.
Gordon Albert
Riff (you don't mind if I call you Riff do you?). Have 3 of your courses. All great. I am a 72 y.o. Understand theory well. Head to hands is the problem. Thinking your Essentials of Strumming & Rhythm may help. Love your teaching & wish you & yours a very Happy Christmas. Gordon
Bob Schultz
Uncle Bob wants to hear more... The Rhythms and Riffs of Early Rock and Roll is the best lesson I have ever had.
It hits me just were I am in my guitar journey and is exactly why I took up guitar in the first place.
I have no desire to start a band or play to anyone but friends and family. The lesson was at just the right pace and detail and made it easy and fun.
Mike Orfanopoulos
I loved the rhythm 'n riffs course and would love to get the tabs or a quick video lesson on the riff u use at the home screen of DVD 2. It's really catchy. I am also waiting to get stage 3 of your blues course. Thanks