3 Famous Examples of Guitar Triads in Action - RiffNinja.com

3 Famous Examples of Guitar Chords in Solos

Guitar chords are a really good place to start if you're looking for some great-sounding notes to put together into a solo or an intro riff. In the video above, you'll see three famous examples of triads used in this way. A triad is simply a three note chord. Understand chord construction, and learn a few off these lesser-used chords, and you'll have tons of great ideas ready to slip into your rhythm or solos!

To learn more of these unusual chords, please visit the following link:

Leave a Reply 6 comments

Mark Stephenson Reply

I always enjoy your down to earth style of teaching Colin, it is a gift. I am an older guy who late in life decided to give the guitar a go and really like your methods. Now if my fingers would just cooperate…..

David R. Henry Reply

AWESOME stuff, Colin. It's simple but effective. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Robert Vasquez Reply

Useful tips, thanks!

Resty Tanogan Reply

Nice teacher and I love it playing a solo' guitar triad cord. Please kindly your favor to teach or learned me more a triad cord. Thank a lot a litle bit just learning righth now. Godbless and more power to you.

Lloyd Sarno Reply

Extremely helpful & useful guitar playing tips here!! Thanks!!
Please be sure to checkout all my original instrumentals @ reverbnation.com/lloydsarno

Ronnie Reply

quite helpful for the beginners………

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