Here's the download link for the 5 Keys Quick Reference Chords Cheat Sheet.
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In the Quick Reference booklet, you'll find easy to use diagrams for the six primary chords in each of the five most common keys used on guitar: A, C, D, E, and G.
Ready to take your guitar playing to the next level? Checkout The Definitive Beginner's Guide to Acoustic Guitar - it's the same course Lowell is talking about below!
I am fulfilling a 40 year desire to play guitar
Well I like the fact that you have taken time to think like a beginner... I was just that as of Jan 20, 2016.
I am now a beginner with knowledge about guitar playing... can I play the guitar? No. Do I know chords? Yes, with just a little visual prompting.
I drew out the chord charts on a large piece of cardboard, and kept them in the relative major and minor groups. I took your advice and became creative in my approach.
My problem in this creative journey is muscle memory for the chord shapes... practice practice practice...
I like the fact that you have gone into the exact chords as in Sweet Home Alabama.
Colin I am totally happy with this course... oh what does one do about the left hand calluses? I look forward to the day that I am ready to play blues music. I am also fulfilling a 40 year want - to play guitar, sooo wish I had done this earlier in my life.
Thank you for your time and keep ROCKIN!